Three generations of landing pages at Chegg

Make it pink! Make it blue? Welcome to the landing page, a vital piece of real estate not for the faint-of-heart writer. This is a space where divergent approaches need to come together and cohere, one that needs to be bold and attention-grabbing while also getting down to some real details—all under the constraints of strict character counts, not to mention the scrutiny of multiple stakeholders.

I believe in a balanced approach between attention-grabbing and solid product education, leading with the former and swiftly backing up with the latter. As I grew in seniority at Chegg, I advocated for this balance, as opposed to a product-only approach.

Fall campaign hero takeover, 2024

This most recent iteration of the signed-out homepage hero text brought it directly in line with our Small Steps, Big Wins campaign, continuing to focus on bold, narratively-driven headline text paired with specific product information.

The impact

Overall the campaign saw significant increases in conversions and click-throughs across all channels—a feat attributed to among other things the creative cohesiveness across surfaces.

My role

I served as lead copywriter for this surface.

Landing page rewrite, 2023

The challenge

This rewrite was part of an overall brand refresh resulting from our expanded brand guidelines. The guidelines delineated an evolution from more narrative to more product education as a student moved deeper into the marketing funnel. So, whereas our signed-out homepage had historically stuck with stiff, product-only language, we updated the approach here to more of a balance between the two.

The impact

While this approach performed on par with previous, product-oriented headlines, it also massively contributed to the longer game of brand cohesion.

My role

I served as lead copywriter for this surface.

Landing page re-brand, 2021

The challenge

The old Chegg appealed to a young audience—the new Chegg was all grown up. The rebranded voice and message aimed to recognize that college students these days are trending older and juggling additional life responsibilities like full-time jobs and caretaking. Our challenge was to elevate the Chegg voice from trendy and cheeky to down-to-earth and yet aspirational, supporting them in making the impossible possible.

The impact

Overall, the new site improved conversion rate by 40%!

My role

I worked with a lead copywriter and another copywriter to brainstorm, craft, and edit copy for many of these pages.


Chegg international out-of-home ads


Mathway YouTube ads