Kelly Egan lives in California’s Bay Area and writes from dream, reverie, and long drives. She is the author of two chapbooks—Millennial, from White Stag, and A Series of Septembers, from Dancing Girl Press— and co-editor of the experimental poetic anthology Laknes.

Additional work can be found in Maiden Magazine, Interim, Colorado Review, Laurel Review, RHINO, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. Kelly has an MFA from Saint Mary’s College of CA and has participated in writing residencies in Iceland and the Peruvian Amazon.

Additional credits

Long List, 2021, Ghost Peach Press Prize

Semi-finalist, 2021, Saturnalia Poetry Prize

Semi-finalist, 2021, Harbor Editions Marginalia Series

Finalist, 2018, Midwest Chapbook Contest

Nominee, 2016, Best of the Net Award

Recipient, Russel and Yvonne Lannan Poetry Prize

Finalist, Alternating Current Luminaire Award